How to Help
Wasabi Aftercare Fund raises funds to ensure the safe retirement of all Wasabi Ventures Stables’ horses. Whether still in the WVS barns or with another trainer, we track these horses and assist in their retirements as needed.
You can help support thoroughbred aftercare by making a donation to Wasabi Aftercare Fund.
We provide four options:

- We have created an annual tier structure to reward our top donors!
- BRONZE: $100 – $249
- Wasabi Aftercare Fund sticker
- SILVER: $250 – $499
- Wasabi Aftercare Fund magnet + sticker
- GOLD: $500 – $999
- Wasabi Aftercare Fund t-shirt + magnet + sticker
- PLATINUM: >$1,000
- Wasabi Aftercare Fund hoodie + t-shirt + magnet + sticker
- BRONZE: $100 – $249
- The items may change each year.