The Road to the RRP- Hannah and Katie
In this special episode of The Aftercare Ally, I spoke with Hannah and Katie, who plan on attending this year’s Thoroughbred Makeover. Hannah will bring Boots (JC Bootleggin Posse), and Katie will bring Gilly (JC Mob Mentality). Both of these horses are Wasabi Ventures Stables retirees.
Speaking with Hannah and Katie, I learned how each of them navigated the road to the RRP with their horses. We talked about disciplines each horse would compete in, the horses’ personalities, and what makes each horse special. With only three weeks until this year’s Thoroughbred Makeover, it is a good time to become acquainted with two of the competitors!
I am grateful to Hannah and Katie for taking the time to talk about their horses. I am excited to see them compete, as well as to continue to follow their journeys as off track thoroughbreds. You, too, can follow them via this website, our Facebook, Instagram, or X (Twitter) accounts.
To check out a previous Aftercare Ally podcast, please click here.
Road to the RRP- Hannah and Katie
Listen to the episode